Assumptions! What makes people want to assume the worst about people they never met? People even do this about animals. It is very upsetting! I think what is the most heartbreaking is stigmatizing people and animals that only want our love and acceptance. The LGBTQ community and cats are the two that share this common problem. How can our society learn to love? How can they change their thinking and embrace differences? I like to share my journey of loving the gay community and cats.  

     I grew up in a very Christian conservative community.  Discussion about gay people was barely talked about or encouraged. If it was, it was in a negative way. Growing up I just felt that gay people were not what I should be around. But I started to really question what it means to be Christian as I saw the Christian community being cruel to its own at times. Then I watched a writer named Andrew Solomen talk about his book, Far from the Tree, on TV.  He was talking about how differences can unite us. I was fascinated and bought the book. In the book, he shared what was like growing up gay. Andrew also told stories of transgender people, people with various disabilities, and other identities. Things like struggling socially and how parents learn to accept their childrens' differences. Then in college I met a gay man un college named Anthony. He was the sweetest and caring person I knew. We were close and I went to some of the plays he was in. I have gotten to know more people in the LGBTQ community and feel very loved by them. They embrace my differences. Something that I really don’t feel sometimes by the Christiann community. Acceptance by the gay community is like a rainbow hug to me. 

     I never thought much about cats growing up. I thought they were cute but that’s all. I happened to watch My Cat from Hell with Jackson Galaxy one day. It intrigued me in how Jackson was so in tune with the cats. I started watching the show regularly. It was interesting that many cat owners did not understand their cat behavior and had to be taught cat language and social skills. This reminded me of myself, and how my parents had to learn how to understand my differences and how I show emotions. I also felt a commenting to cats sensitive nature. Meeting cats at Cat Depot really made me realize how intuitive I am like a cat! Educating people about cats is what I feel my calling is in life. 

I want to be an ally to the LGBTQ community and let everyone know I support and love them very much. I feel the same way about cats. People need to STOP assuming things they do not understand. Instead of seeing someone that is different as intimidating, see them as interesting. Don’t be afraid to talk to them and get to know them. The love of differences can unify us and make us a more compassionate community.  Appreciate us that are gay and or disabled, and the beloved cats in our world, because “Baby, we are Born this Way!” Lady Gaga