There are years and times in one’s life that change automatically. It’s like a magic wand waved across one’s head and it finally dawns on a person that she or he has the power to control their life. Before then, one believes their life is control by others and circumstance. Sometimes people never grow out of that mindset. They become prisoners in their own mind.

Luckily, I have finally realized I have the potential to change my life. It’s not going to be easy.  I need some super strength as I will get disappointed again and again. People will discourage me from my dreams. Although it will be a test and a challenge to prove my destiny, all I have to say are the magic words, “I can do it.” Like Harry Potter doing battle with Voldemort, things will get dark but eventually I will win the battle!

So what led me to this conclusion, it all comes down to respect. I need to respect people, but they need to respect me too. They need to pay attention to my feelings and needs. Using guilt and scare tactics are not the answer and will only hurt me more. If someone truly cares about me, I feel they need to express it in a dignify way.

I say no more to people who try to belittle me. Like the Lion in The Wizard of Oz, I need courage and stand up to people and not be afraid. I need to walk down the Yellow Brick Road and see all the wonderment and thrills this world has to offer. It may get a little scary but the rainbow is just right ahead!

And just to think,at 43 I’m starting to become the woman I was meant to be!